
Joshua (Pastor)“Prior to coming to the conference I was about to leave ministry and go to take a job making much more money in the Gulf countries. During the two day conference God spoke to me about the Holy Altars. I was very encouraged to win the country for Christ through this lifestyle. I decided not to go to the Gulf and instead of looking at my financial needs I chose to build this lifestyle in my own life and in my sphere of influence. The church is now paying me and they have even gifted me a church building. I had no money to come to this follow-up conference but I had a strong desire to be here. A friend of mine told me he was traveling near to the conference so I came with him and then he gave me a gift that was enough for me to attend the conference.” - Joshua (Pastor)
John Paul (Pastor)“God brought motivation and change in my life and made me spiritually stable in Him when I began to implement this holy altar lifestyle. When they implemented this lifestyle in other nations things changed. God confirmed in me to start a holy altar and much has improved. To do the bold things for God we must have intimacy with Him. As I have a great relationship with the Lord, God has helped me to stand in ministry. I have since shared this testimony with many churches and the people have been blessed.” - John Paul (Pastor)
Pastor“I had a vision that I had a hard heart. And in this vision (Chris L.) took out the hard heart and (Chris V.) helped put in a soft heart.” - Pastor

Samuel (Pastor)“I came yesterday morning with sorrow in my heart because tomorrow we were going to be evicted from the church building. I shared the Gospel with two people but they denied it. They met with an accident and both of their right legs were fractured. I prayed for them but they were not healed. At the conference I prayed and asked the Lord to anoint me. While going back I asked the Lord to show me a sign that I have been anointed by healing the persons injured and who are in the hospital. The doctors said yesterday that one of them cannot walk for 2 years. But today the doctor stated that if they get operated on they will be able to walk shortly.” - Samuel (Pastor)
Sister Suvartha“I was saved 3 years back and followed Jesus secretly all these years. During the Holy Altar conference I saw a vision that my eyes are blind. I shared the vision with my pastor and he told me that I should bear witness for Christ. I boldly told this vision to my husband who had previously hindered me from going to church. I told him that I want to be a witness for Christ and miraculously my husband agreed. Now from this most recent conference I am filled with fire to be a witness for Jesus Christ!” - Sister Suvartha
Pastor who attended the Holy Altar conference“In the past God used to speak to me but I always used to neglect what God was speaking. When I went to pray during the conference I asked God to speak to me. God then spoke to me, “You have a good ministry but that does not mean that you are okay. I want you to do the holy altars (in your personal life, family, and congregation.) I used to attend so many meetings but I had no prayer life. I am making a declaration that I don’t want more crusades or all night prayer services. I want a personal prayer life.” - Pastor who attended the Holy Altar conference
“I have been compromised in the television programs I have been watching. God has been convicting me about this. My ministry has become ineffective. I want to begin to implement this teaching in my life even before I continue to seek to minister to others. I want God to change my life.” - Pastor’s confession during open sharing time

Sister Bharalli“I was renewed spiritually through the holy altar conference and restored to a relationship with God in my prayer life.” - Sister Bharalli

“I attended the last conference and I was representing a church of about 300-400 people. We were so stirred that we immediately began a season of 21 days of fasting and prayer to establish the holy altars and 50 participated. We are seeing good fruit from this lifestyle. Following this latest conference, though we had previously done this only within our local congregation we now have a vision to take this message out to the other churches in our area! My daughter also started a holy altar at college with other medical students. They are now having a daily prayer altar gathering among the medical professionals!” - Unknown
(Senior leader among pastors in Mumbai)
“We might have come in with our own agenda but God had His agenda. This is not our agenda, and it is not about our ministries, this is God’s agenda. Our meeting was historic!” Steven (National Holy Altar Coordinator) “The trainers have already shared the vision of the Holy Altars in their congregations and they are now going out to share this in other districts. They have owned the training!”
John Raj (Pastor) “I come from a Hindu background. I came to Christ and started to minister but I did not have clarity in how to minister in the community. I also was having family issues. When I started the family altar God healed my family. I am also now able to see much more clearly how to effectively minister to my community.” - John Raj (Pastor)
Samuel (Pastor)“I attended the last conference and I was representing a church of about 300-400 people. We were so stirred that we immediately began a season of 21 days of fasting and prayer to establish the holy altars and 50 participated. We are seeing good fruit from this lifestyle. Following this latest conference, though we had previously done this only within our local congregation we now have a vision to take this message out to the other churches in our area! My daughter also started a holy altar at college with other medical students. They are now having a daily prayer altar gathering among the medical professionals!”
My husband encouraged me to become“My husband encouraged me to become a holy altar. I started to see my workplace as my mission field. I started sharing the Gospel with my co-workers and I started sharing the Gospel with the wash boys, and with others I came in contact with. We have now started a workplace fellowship for those who are truly seeking to live for Christ.”
(Woman in attendance) “I have been blessed by this holy altar conference. I have decided to build a personal, family and congregational altar. After hearing of the vision of a net of prayer we must do the same here, to change our mandals, districts and even the whole nation!”
(Pastor) “I am gathering 30 key youth and people from the surrounding area to have a 2 day time to share about the holy altars.”
(Pastor) “Yesterday I heard about what God was able to do in other nations. In a similar way as God’s servants pray then our country’s leaders will come and ask us for prayer. I was blessed to hear about the holy altar lifestyle and I will become a holy altar. Our village, mandal, and all our country will be blessed. Our country will shine for Christ. I am blessed by this holy altar conference!”
(Woman in tears) “We have had strong spiritual food these two days. I am thankful for the dedication of the team that came. Today I came to understand how much I should pray for lost souls. I have to build a holy altar in my life, my family, and my congregation. I have lost much time but I will use the remainder of my time to build holy altars and win souls to Christ!”
(In attendance at Holy Altar conference) “This holy altar conference has been very precious to my life. I learned I must wait to hear the Words of God. I will be testifying to many about these messages and encouraging them to build holy altars.”’
When we spoke about the bad influence of the media He said, “In Orissa every Christian has a big TV. I will start the altar in Orissa.” - (Pastor)
“God greatly blessed the ministry since we started the holy altar lifestyle. I have been personally revived and my wife and my marriage have been impacted by the family altar. We have reached more souls from Hindu and Muslim backgrounds in our congregation since starting this lifestyle. We have also started two other congregations since beginning the Holy Altar lifestyle. (One 3 miles away and the other 20 miles away). We only preach to those who come from non-Christian background in order to My 50 year old mother attended the Holy Altar conference. We were doing evangelism for the last 3-4 years but seeing little fruit. Now that my mother accepted to become a holy altar she began to lift up the work in more prayer, unceasing prayer. Every day from 2pm-9pm she goes out with an evangelism team. Some 25-30 families have come to Christ in the last 6 months. The Lord has blessed us greatly in these 6 months! As we have come into alignment with God He has been blessing us. After 7 years of a court case involving our orphanage land God supernaturally resolved the case. We have also been given $15,000 to build onto our orphanage.” - Steven (Pastor – National Coordinator for Holy Altars)